
  Open Your World
  openMind 2nd Edition builds on the success of the first edition of this American English young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills. Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career.

  Part of The Mind Series, incorporating masterMind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learning from a variety of sources: content-rich reading texts, speaking and writing workshops, high-quality video, self-study Online Workbooks, and projectable Student's Books.

  The openMind 2nd edition Student's Book Pack A contains a split edition of the print Student's Book covering units 1-6. Each unit incorporates the course theme of Life Skills, along with Grammar sections, Support boxes and a writing syllabus. There is a webcode providing access to the Student's Resource Center where video worksheets and audio are available is included.

  •Print Student’s Book with engaging activities
  •This Split edition contains Units 1-6
  •Clear, vibrant and visual unit openers
  •Revised Grammar sections with a step-by-step structure to make understanding easier
  •Independent Learning boxes such as ‘Notice!’, ‘How are you doing?’ and ‘Reflect’
  •Each unit follows the course theme of Life Skills
  •Webcode included – providing access to the Student’s Resource Center
  •The Student’s Resource Center contains extra downloadable video worksheets and Class audio MP3


  • ISBN:9780230480216
  • 規格:平裝 / 86頁 / 21 x 29.2 x 0.43 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 2/e
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> >
  • 本書分類:> >



眾所周知,現在是網際網路時代,我們的生活因為網際網路的存在而變得更加精彩。中國也出現了很多在網際網路領域的大佬,比如馬雲。這位大佬相信很多人都不陌生,作為阿里巴巴的創始人,能力非常強。而且馬雲也經常會參加一些演講,說過的很多話都成為了現實,因此也被人們稱為「預言家」。今天就給你們講講未來什麼行業最賺錢?其實馬雲早已給出答案,網友:你咋不早說? ... 首先就是人工智慧;想必各位都清楚未來必定會是人工智慧的時代,現如今我們的生活也因為人工智慧的出現而有了新的變化,尤其是隨著智能機器人的出現,讓我們看到了智能時代的美好。其實馬雲是非常重視人工智慧的發展,阿里在這一方面投資了很多,比如馬雲投資的無人酒店,裡面基本上都是機器人在服務,非常智能化。 ...... 其二就是新零售;對於這個新的模式,相信很多人都不陌生,畢竟新零售可是被很多大佬都看中的行業,比如劉強東、張近東等等。馬雲曾經就說過傳統電商的道路不會持續走下去,會有新的模式來取代它,而這個新的模式就是「新零售」。而且線上與線下結合的路子也是未來電商的方向,抓住這個風口,說不定你就能「翻身」了,不少網友表示:你咋不早說? ... 其三健康產業;馬雲說:下一個能超過我的人,一定出現在健康產業里。 由於國民的身體健康愈來愈差,發病的比例越來越高,國家陸續推出各種相關政策,包括《健康中國2030》、《中國防治慢性病中長期規劃》等等,重點提出打造「健康中國」發展目標。中國現有慢性病患者已經超過2.6億,由慢性病導致的疾病負擔占到總疾病負擔的近70%,而造成的死亡占到了所有人口死亡的85%左右。 ... 慢病整逐漸威脅著中國人的健康:35歲至65歲的人群逐步進入慢病;超重和肥胖、血脂異常和脂肪肝、高血壓發病率持續上升;發病年齡日趨年輕化。










壹讀 https://read01.com/NNM6Kxn.html

博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/888words/products/0010654659




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